Deep Stretch and Yin Yoga Session
per item
Deep Stretch and Yin Yoga - On line
- Wednesdays, 6:15 - 7:30 pm
- October 27 - December 8, 2021
- No class November 24
- Six week session $75
- Deep stretch of the connective tissue is vitally important for health and movement. Yin Yoga utilizes props such as bolsters and blocks for support and participants hold postures for a longer period of time. Yin Yoga accesses deep connective tissue stretching. Yin complements any myofascial work and is calming to the nervous system.
With on line purchase, meeting link via Google Hangout will be sent a half hour before class. IPhone and IPad users will need to download Google Meet Hangout app prior to class.
- Class participants will need a device for viewing class, a yoga mat, blanket, 2 blocks or rolled bath towels, yoga strap, and bolster (or equivalent).